Monday, July 5, 2010

i learned to knit and crochet

knitting has my vote, crocheting sort of pissed me off.

knitting is good social/chatting work and i have two projects currently in the works and two i envision in the near future. i never thought i could be a knitter, it just goes to show.

these past few days i have been plugging along with my autobiographical collage book, i have about 7 more pages left of 19. it has been a challenge but i think i understand it, or what i am doing with it. guess i will try and post some of it when it is done for curious eyes. today i finished two paintings and did a trash collage base for another painting.
the first one is titled "anyone can be a mother"

and the second one is titled "the love phoenix"

1 comment:

eswatcom said...

hi! I'm teaching myself knitting
that looks like crochet from a
book in the library. I'm trying
to make a bracelet. I've been reading
a book a day, carving a wooden box and making button earrings out of arizona cans!
p.s. i ran into takashi at the bus stop.